Injured Bird Who To Call?

Injured Bird – Who to Call?

When you encounter an injured bird, it can be a distressing and perplexing experience. Many people don’t know what steps to take in order to help the bird, and often make the mistake of trying to permanently adopt the injured animal. It’s crucial to understand that birds are wild animals that require specific care, and not all of us are equipped to provide that.

The first course of action should be calling individuals or organizations that are specifically trained to handle such scenarios. But, you might ask: exactly what should you do when you find an injured bird, and more importantly, who should you call?

Let’s outline specific steps to follow when you find an injured bird:

  1. Assessment: Before diving in to help the bird, it’s important to ascertain if the bird truly needs help. Many young birds leave the nest before they’re fully proficient at flying, so seeing a bird on the ground doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in trouble.
  2. Safe Handling: If you’ve determined that the bird is indeed injured, it should be handled with utmost care to avoid causing further harm. Use a towel or piece of cloth to gently wrap the bird and place it in a makeshift nest.
  3. Temporary Care: The bird should be kept in a safe and warm space until help arrives. Avoid feeding the bird if you’re not sure about its dietary needs.
  4. Contacting Professionals: This is a vital step. While your intentions might be good, you are not equipped to provide long-term care for the bird. Seek help immediately.

Now comes the big question – who should you call in such a circumstance? There are several animal welfare organisations in most areas equipped to handle these types of situations. Here are a few options:

  • Local Wildlife Rehabilitator: In most locales, there are licensed wildlife rehabilitators who are trained to deal with injured or orphaned birds. You can Google search to find one in your area.
  • Animal Control: Another option is to contact your local animal control office, and they will either send help or provide guidance on appropriate steps to take.
  • Local Vet Office: While not all vets handle birds, some do. Therefore, calling a local vet clinic can also be a viable option.
  • Animal Welfare Organisations: Large organisations such as the RSPCA in the UK, Humane Society in the US, or other country-specific entities are often equipped to handle the situation or direct help.

An important aspect to remember is to let the professionals do their work once they arrive. It can be hard to let go, especially if you’ve invested time and emotion into the bird’s wellbeing, but it’s important for the bird’s recovery.

While it’s commendable to want to help an injured bird, it’s crucial to remember that good intentions can sometimes cause more harm than good. Therefore, it’s always best to reach out to professionals. This not only protects the bird but also ensures that it gets the best possible care.